Strengthening the Link between educational rights and successful outcomes for your child
Full Case Study Review
Link Advocacy is able to provide a full case study review. This includes an analysis of the current IEP and prior evaluative information to ensure your child’s IEP contains the essential information needed for educators to work most effectively with your child. After reviewing all applicable documentation, we will provide a professional opinion and formal report with suggestions for a well-developed and comprehensive IEP that meets all of your child’s needs.
Evaluation Request
When your child is struggling to make educational gains and you believe there may be something impeding their ability to demonstrate adequate growth, Link Advocacy will assist you in requesting a full initial evaluation. We will provide you with information to make an official request to initiate a case study, or help you navigate each step of the evaluation process as it happens. Additionally, Link Advocacy will assist with requesting an evaluation for related services, or re-evaluations, should they fall outside the standard re-evaluation window.
Early Intervention Guidance
Are you aware that if your child is not meeting his/her developmental milestones, even as an infant, you are entitled assistance in order to help your child progress? Research shows the earlier a child receives early intervention, the more likely they will be school ready as they enter the school system. Link Advocacy can assist in connecting you with resources to ensure appropriate milestones are being met.
Change of Placement
Are all of your childs’ needs being met in his/her Least Restrictive Environment? Children have a variety of educational needs, and a program or service delivery model that was once appropriate for your child may not always remain the best, or be the Least Restrictive. There are times when an alternate model of instruction needs to be visited, or revisited, in order to ensure a student’s placement is appropriate.
We specialize in extremely difficult cases where a More Restrictive setting may need to be explored, due to an extreme and significant disability. It is not common, but there are students who require services beyond the special education services provided in your most local attendance centers, and students who are most appropriately educated with support in a therapeutic school environment or require more restrictive residential services.
Meeting Attendance
It can be difficult, and often intimidating, to participate in a school “team” meeting as a parent with numerous school professionals around the table. You know your child best, and sometimes there can be a disconnect in the way messages are communicated at IEP meetings.
At Link Advocacy, we are available to meet with you prior to your scheduled meeting to help you collect and organize your thoughts, and coach you to best advocate for your child. We are also able to attend meetings with you to help bridge some of the gaps and advocate with you on behalf of your child.
At times, this may be necessary, and most efficient, in order to make sure your message is clearly articulated and received by your child’s service professionals, so you don’t end up requesting meeting after meeting with no results.
Letter Templates
Link Advocacy is able to provide formal letters requesting things such as:
A parent requested meeting
Any IEP meeting
A request to evaluate a student for related services (e.g. speech and language therapy or occupational therapy)
A review of service minutes provided
A review of placement
Support through a disciplinary or expulsion event.
Educational Counseling
We will work with you and your student to understand any current, or relevant, hurdle the child is having with relation to school.
Upon identifying educationally relevant barriers facing your child, we will work with you, and when applicable, your child, to implement strategies, approaches and practices to minimize the barrier.
There are always modifications, accommodations, or ways to differentiate educational tasks so that all students can be successful.
Transition Assessment and Guidance
In Illinois, transition planning begins at the age of 14.5. At this time, your child’s case manager should be working with you and your child to identify future plans.
Through formal and informal assessments, your child’s case manager should have a plan within your child’s IEP stating what your child would like to explore as a profession, work related plans for after high school, education, living arrangements, community recreation and leisure.
Link Advocacy is able to assist in the development of this plan with your child’s case manager. We can also work with you and your child to provide the case manager with the most important and relevant information, so that a strong and meaningful plan is created for your child.
504 Plans
Does your child have a suspected medical condition or diagnosis that impacts his or her ability to access their education?
If so, a 504 Plan may be appropriate. Having a plan in place to ensure appropriate accommodations are made within the learning environment can help children thrive in the least restrictive setting.